We absolutely love to see products geared toward empowering girls of color. Miss Zee was created by a mom who was worried about the self-image of her young daughter. Here's what the website says about the products.
Miss Zee was created out of young mommy’s frustration of not seeing child-like characters that resembled her daughter, Zee. After Zee began showing a dislike for her natural hair and coloring all of her characters white with straight her, her mother decided that she needed to step in and do something. Since there were virtually no characters sold in stores that Zee could relate to, her mother began teaching her how to color and draw on ready-made characters to look like her.
Zee’s mother then realized that her daughter needed a character that she could already relate to, so she created one for her. It started out with a coloring book that depicted many illustrations of a puffy-haired little girl. Eventually, the homemade coloring pages turned into manufactured coloring books made widely available for purchase. Miss Zee then extended its brand to other items.
Miss Zee is a character that comes in many skin shades, hair styles, hair colors and eye colors in order to represent the diverse looks of little girls. Her main focus is to uplift them and make them feel special even in a world that may sometimes tell them otherwise. Miss Zee is here to let them know that they are perfect exactly the way that they are. She also teaches them how to embrace the uniqueness of not only themselves, but others.
Miss Zee strives to create one-of-a-kind, eye-catching, high quality, products that little girls can be proud of.

Purchase here.
Kimberly Foster is the founder and editor of For Harriet. Email or Follow @KimberlyNFoster