Check out these upcoming events featuring black women and continue to send events that are centered around black womanhood to events@forharriet.com. Be sure to check back each week for new events!
6. Urban Playwrights United presents Deception of Life
Date: Saturday, June 20, 2015 5:00pm
Location: Washington, DC
Admission: $17
Date: Friday, June 19, 2015 8:00am - 5:30pm
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Admission: $20
In light of the Baltimore Uprising, continued BlackLivesMatter protests and rising anti-Muslim bigotry in this country and abroad, our aim is to highlight the importance of understanding how racism, Islamophobia, oppression and daily micro-aggressions impact the emotional well-being of the largest racial group within the American Muslim community – African Americans. We will also discuss the cultural and spiritual resilience which have strengthened this community through the centuries and the strategies/coping mechanisms which be useful as the community faces new threats to its collective well-being. This day long discussion will include experts in the field of race, religion, anthropology, psychology and social work who will focus on individual (men, women, youth/children), family and community level strengths, challenges and recommendations.
Location: Philadelphia, PA
Admission: $20
In light of the Baltimore Uprising, continued BlackLivesMatter protests and rising anti-Muslim bigotry in this country and abroad, our aim is to highlight the importance of understanding how racism, Islamophobia, oppression and daily micro-aggressions impact the emotional well-being of the largest racial group within the American Muslim community – African Americans. We will also discuss the cultural and spiritual resilience which have strengthened this community through the centuries and the strategies/coping mechanisms which be useful as the community faces new threats to its collective well-being. This day long discussion will include experts in the field of race, religion, anthropology, psychology and social work who will focus on individual (men, women, youth/children), family and community level strengths, challenges and recommendations.
Date: Friday, June 19, 2015 5:30pm - 8:30pm
Location: Fresno, CA
Admission: $50
The Fresno/San Joaquin Valley Chapter of Black Women Organized for Political Action (BWOPA) for 2015 Salute to Sisterhood will celebrate "Emerging Women Leaders". It is with great honor and appreciation that we recognize these outstanding women who contributed to the Health and Well being of our community.
Location: Fresno, CA
Admission: $50
The Fresno/San Joaquin Valley Chapter of Black Women Organized for Political Action (BWOPA) for 2015 Salute to Sisterhood will celebrate "Emerging Women Leaders". It is with great honor and appreciation that we recognize these outstanding women who contributed to the Health and Well being of our community.
3. Black Girls CODE
Date: Saturday, June 20, 2015 10:00am - 4:00pm
Location: New York, NY
Admission: $35
The scope of this one day workshop will be to introduce how to build a game with JavaScript to students. This workshop will teach participants to build their own game in one day using fun games and activities to introduce programming, JavaScript, and basic game structure.
All BGC workshops are geared towards introducing participants to the technological universe and encouraging them to pursue careers as Tech Creators and Entrepreneurs. This event is intended for girls ages 12-17 and their parents.
Date: Saturday, June 20, 2015 10:00am - 4:00pm
Location: New York, NY
Admission: $35
The scope of this one day workshop will be to introduce how to build a game with JavaScript to students. This workshop will teach participants to build their own game in one day using fun games and activities to introduce programming, JavaScript, and basic game structure.
All BGC workshops are geared towards introducing participants to the technological universe and encouraging them to pursue careers as Tech Creators and Entrepreneurs. This event is intended for girls ages 12-17 and their parents.
Date: Saturday, June 20, 2015 11:00am
Location: Kansas City, MO
The Public Chance Meeting will give African American women and girls the opportunity to listen and discuss issues affecting our families that include, but not limited to, topics on sex education, health, shame, contraceptives, violence and social media.
The event seeks to engage the participants in an educational conversation so that women may better support our young girls and strengthen our families. The Public Chance Meeting is a structured, but informal, shared discussion among women and young girls that offers knowledge, support, listening and some possible solutions, in a safe and respectable public setting. This is a moderated and timed discussion.
Location: Kansas City, MO
The Public Chance Meeting will give African American women and girls the opportunity to listen and discuss issues affecting our families that include, but not limited to, topics on sex education, health, shame, contraceptives, violence and social media.
The event seeks to engage the participants in an educational conversation so that women may better support our young girls and strengthen our families. The Public Chance Meeting is a structured, but informal, shared discussion among women and young girls that offers knowledge, support, listening and some possible solutions, in a safe and respectable public setting. This is a moderated and timed discussion.
Date: Saturday, June 20, 2015 5:00pm
Location: Washington, DC
Admission: $30 - $50
The 2015 DC Black Theatre Festival opens with the One Pearl and a Sphinx production of Letters From Zora: In Her Own Words, a one-woman show delving into noted author Zora Neale Hurston’s controversial views on segregation, integration and social justice. Written by USC professor Gabrielle Denise Pina with an original score by Ron McCurdy, this daring piece showcases a life filled with artistic triumphs as well as abject poverty and self-doubt. Directed by Anita Dashiell-Sparks, Hurston’s personal letters create an authentic multi-sensory dramatization brought to life by veteran actress Vanessa Bell Calloway in a production that will illuminate Hurston’s words, life and distinct view of the jazz-age era.
Location: Washington, DC
Admission: $30 - $50
The 2015 DC Black Theatre Festival opens with the One Pearl and a Sphinx production of Letters From Zora: In Her Own Words, a one-woman show delving into noted author Zora Neale Hurston’s controversial views on segregation, integration and social justice. Written by USC professor Gabrielle Denise Pina with an original score by Ron McCurdy, this daring piece showcases a life filled with artistic triumphs as well as abject poverty and self-doubt. Directed by Anita Dashiell-Sparks, Hurston’s personal letters create an authentic multi-sensory dramatization brought to life by veteran actress Vanessa Bell Calloway in a production that will illuminate Hurston’s words, life and distinct view of the jazz-age era.
6. Urban Playwrights United presents Deception of Life
Date: Saturday, June 20, 2015 5:00pm
Location: Washington, DC
Admission: $17
June Floyd loved her girls in her own strict, overbearing way. After marrying their father when she was just a young girl herself, she thought life would encamp its greatness around her and her new husband but it did just the opposite. Shayla and Jessica were the only thing good that came from their parent’s tumultuous marriage.
After the demise of her marriage, through hard work and sacrifice and support of her sister Olivia and family friend Lawrence, June felt she could breathe again. Life was starting to blossom for everyone but just as soon as she got comfortable, she was dealt a devastating blow and it was one that would change their tight knit family forever.
Presented by Urban Playwrights United. Deception of Life is the DC Festival Contest winning script by Playwrights and UPU Member Lourie Thompson of Charlotte,NC and directed by UPU Member and DC native Michael McCorkle.
7. DCBTF New Works Reading Series Presents "Chocolate Girl"
Date: Saturday, June 20, 2015 6:00pm
Location: Washington, DC
During the period of the late fifties and sixties, a young girl growing up in an urban city deals with three ugly words hurled at her from a school mate about the color of her skin. She carries those words with her through adolescent and young adulthood. Other people seemed to have opinions about the young girl’s dark complexion, but not Chocolate Girl. She handles those comments with confidence in herself and the support of her two best girlfriends. Then one day, several years after those painful words were said to her, someone calls her a fine piece of chocolate candy. She knew that all along. It just took some folks longer to see that her inner beauty revealed her true being, and her dark complexion just did not matter anymore.
8. Black Madonna: The Hidden Story of the Divine Mother In Africa, Asia, and Europe
Location: Washington, DC
During the period of the late fifties and sixties, a young girl growing up in an urban city deals with three ugly words hurled at her from a school mate about the color of her skin. She carries those words with her through adolescent and young adulthood. Other people seemed to have opinions about the young girl’s dark complexion, but not Chocolate Girl. She handles those comments with confidence in herself and the support of her two best girlfriends. Then one day, several years after those painful words were said to her, someone calls her a fine piece of chocolate candy. She knew that all along. It just took some folks longer to see that her inner beauty revealed her true being, and her dark complexion just did not matter anymore.
8. Black Madonna: The Hidden Story of the Divine Mother In Africa, Asia, and Europe
Date: Saturday, June 20, 2015 6:00pm
Location: Houston, TX
Admission: $10
Location: Houston, TX
Admission: $10
As we move into the Aquarian Age there is still far too much confusion regarding the Black woman and the part that she has played in the evolution of humanity. Furthermore, the impact of the Black woman has become apparent to a wide range of individuals and institutions that represent a spectrum of values. Dr. Kyles’ message will convey the importance of the “Divine Mother” concept and the contributions of the Black woman in the establishment of civilization. Dr. Kyles will bring to light the prominent position of women in African cosmology and Christianity. The complimentary nature of masculine and feminine will be addressed along with the social, physical, and spiritual attacks on the “Divine Feminine” and the “Divine Masculine” energy forces.
9. White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans
Date: Fall 2015 Applications Now Being Accepted Through July 17, 2015
Date: Fall 2015 Applications Now Being Accepted Through July 17, 2015
The White House Initiative’s Year-round Internship Program provides current graduate students with an opportunity to learn about African American-focused education policy, communications, and outreach at the U.S. Department of Education in Washington, D.C.