Black Love Festival: gofundme.com/blacklovefest from Leigh Davenport-deBoer on Vimeo.
The free event, which is led by volunteers, is meant to serve as an example of love being used as a tool to organize, build bridges, provide resources and highlight safe and healthy spaces for and by black people.
According to their GoFundMe page,
“Black Love Festival has made a commitment to sustainable community building and innovative organizing practices to preserve the diversity and cultural balance of the local environment. We aim to create a space for students and residents of the Bay Area and beyond to transform art into a discussion about leveraging social capital to affect positive change, peace and unity.The event is proud to be sponsored by the Port of San Francisco, SF Pacific Gas & Electric, SF Department of Public Health, Stanford University Cancer Institute and Nexgenegirls. With this support, the organizers are still raising funds to make sure the event is a success—consider contributing today. And if you’re in the bay, make your way there this weekend.
“Local #BlackLivesMatter organizers and community-based organizations will provide resources to attendees on ways to be involved in the #BlackLivesMatter movement long term as well as an opportunity to learn more about the impact that environmental racism has had on the Southeast sector of San Francisco.”
You can find more info about the event on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr.
Photo: Shutterstock
Deonna Anderson is Junior Editor at For Harriet. Follow her on Twitter @iamDEONNA.