When Shaniaya Hunter, a junior at Greene County High School, asked her teacher, Cory Hunter for assistance with a class assignment, he didn't offer help. Instead he began to degrade the student and said, “Your purpose is going to be to have sex and have children because you ain’t never gonna be smart.” His remarks were recorded on the iPad she was using to record the lesson.
Cory Hunter resigned on March following national outrage.
The former teacher went on a four minute tirade and told 16-year-old Shaniaya Hunter “I have been around for 37 years, and clearly you are the dumbest girl I have ever met.”
Shaniaya has severe vision problems, and shared the recording with her mother.
“He will not be returning to the classroom,” Greene County School System Superintendent Chris Houston told the Atlanta-Journal Constitution. “In submitting his resignation, he verbally expressed his apologies to his students and fellow staff members for any disruption caused to the school by the controversy over the last several weeks.”
Here is the original news report of the incident.
Georgia teacher tells student: "You are the dumbest girl I've ...
This is totally unacceptable. All of our love to Shaniaya Hunter. Demand Greene County Schools fire this teacher 706-453-7688/Email Superintendent Dr. Chris Houston chris.houston@greene.k12.ga.usCaptions available.Video Credit: WSBTV
Posted by For Harriet on Tuesday, March 8, 2016