Naomi Moyer wants to make sure the histories of Black Canadian women are not forgotten, so she is lifting them up in a limited series of prints. The seven images spotlight Black women immigrants from 1736-2006 including Sherona Hall, The Coloured Women's Club, The Hour a Day Study Club, Rosa Pryor, Chloe Cooley, Mary Bibb, The Black Cross Nurses.
"These stories do not fit into mainstream stories that Canada likes to tell about Black people and our history here," Moyer told For Harriet. "These stories are not about war, or sports or settlement or how Black people conformed into a white settler society. These stories are about Black empowerment, Black feminism and serving Black communities."
Moyer says she hopes her work will connect the African Diaspora and "global Black experiences beyond borders."
She stresses that history cannot be told without telling Black women's stories. "I want to remind viewers that Black women here in Canada made huge contributions to their Black communities, " she said.
Get the prints here.
The Black Cross Nurses

The Coloured Women's Club

Mary Bibb

Rosa Pryor

The Hour a Day Study Club

Sherona Hall