The victims of Dr. Dre's abuse have spoken out about the erasure of his abusive history from the film "Straight Outta Compton." The film has been critiqued for eliminating this part of Dr. Dre's past as well as N.W.A.'s history with misogyny. In a statement to the New York Times, Dr. Dre finally issued an apology to the women he has hurt.
In the apology Dr. Dre did not address each allegation specifically or individually but said:
Twenty-five years ago I was a young man drinking too much and in over my head with no real structure in my life. However, none of this is an excuse for what I did. I’ve been married for 19 years and every day I’m working to be a better man for my family, seeking guidance along the way. I’m doing everything I can so I never resemble that man again. I apologize to the women I’ve hurt. I deeply regret what I did and know that it has forever impacted all of our lives.
Dre has apologized for the mistakes he’s made in the past and he’s said that he’s not the same person that he was 25 years ago. We believe his sincerity and after working with him for a year and a half, we have every reason to believe that he has changed.
The Times also spoke to the women who Dr. Dre abused: Dee Barnes, Michel’le, and Tairrie B.
“I’ve been talking about my abuse for many, many years, but it has not gotten any ears until now,” said Michel’le. She admits that she never pressed charges because, “We don’t get that kind of education in my culture.”
“Opening up and finding out there were other women like me gave me the power to speak up,” she added.
Dr. Dre punched his onetime labelmate Tairrie B, whose real name is Theresa Murphy, twice in the face at a Grammys after-party after she insulted him on a track.
Barnes and Murphy connected through Facebook. “I said, ‘Hey girl, I think we have something in common, and we’ve never talked about it,’ ” Murphy said. “The initial conversation was like group therapy, to heal our wounds,” Barnes added.
“I had a lot of guilt,” Murphy said after connecting with Barnes. “Had I pressed charges, he would have had a strike against him. And maybe Michel’le would have stood up, too. Maybe it would have made him think.”
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