There's nothing worse than having your social media feeds inundated by obnoxiously happy looking couple's doing the "Love Your Spouse" challenge or some other such foolishness when you're single.
Yes, yes. We all support Black love. But no one likes to be reminded that they don't have a honey to cuddle up with.
Teneka Griffin came up with the perfect solution. Instead of sitting it out, she shouted out her ForeverBoo, Jesus.
"For the last few weeks I've watched all the couples do the challenge and not even one of them invited me. Last night I took it upon myself to invite self and not let y'all have me walking around here salty! 😂😂😂😂😂
So to my love, my honey, my best friend, my everything, the only one I'll ever love, and the one I know who loves me just for who I am!! I LOVE YOU!! With you I've learned that love is beautiful, but it's also hard work! Nothing comes easy and you have to have patience! I'm so glad I made the choice to give it all up just for YOU!! I'm in love with you! Your presence is breathtaking! You make me want to be better. You push me. You inspire me. You never give up on me! You see in me what everyone else couldn't! You're the only one that can touch me without even touching me! Everyday gets better and better!! I'll NEVER MEET ANYONE THAT COULD SCRATCH THE SURFACE OF WHO YOU ARE TO ME and for that I thank You! Days 1 through 7, but I have forever with You! I am passionately IN LOVE WITH YOU! 26 years and counting! My forever love ! Y'all don't hate on me and my sexy!! Go ahead and hit that love button ❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍"
Teneka took it a step further with a series of photos that feature she and her bae. The results are hilarious.